Plates from 92 different juridisdictions pictured in Estonia

Every foreign number plate seen IN ESTONIA is some kind of unique moment.

Below I share those moments with you dear visitors.

I have added maps with approximate distance from Estonia to the country where car was registered. Distances are counted from Tallinn to Capital City of specific country. For bigger countries (USA, Canada, France etc.) or non-symmetricaly shaped countries (Italy,Norway etc) distances are counted between Estonia and specific province, county or state where the vehicle was registered.

Up to 30 images can be seen on each page.

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1.Albania page 1 47.Kyrgyzstan page 1
2.Andorra page 1 48.Latvia page 1 2
3.Argentina page 1 49.Liechtenstein page 1
4.Armenia page 1 50.Lithuania page 1 2
5.Aruba page 1
51.Luxembourg page 1
6.Australia page 1

52.Malaysia page 1

7.Austria page 1 2

53.Malta page 1

8.Azerbaijan page 1

54.Mexico page 1

9.Bahrain page 1

55.Moldova page 1

10.Belarus page 1

56.Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic   page 1

11.Belgium page 1 2 57.Monaco page 1
12.Bosnia and Herzegovina page 1 58.Mongolia page 1
13.Brazil page 1
59.Montenegro page 1

British Crown Dependencies and overseas territories

60.Morocco page 1

14.Gibraltar page 1

61.Netherlands page 1 2

15.Guernsey page 1

62.New Zealand page 1

16.Isle of Man page 1

63.Nigeria page 1

17.Jersey page 1

64.North Macedonia page 1
18.Bulgaria page 1 65.Norway page 1 2
19.Canada page 1 66.Oman page 1
20.China page 1 67.Poland page 1 2
21.Colombia page 1

68.Portugal page 1

22.Croatia page 1 69.Qatar page 1
23.Cyprus page 1 70.Romania page 1
24.Czechia page 1 71.Russia page 1
25.Denmark page 1 72.San Marino page 1
26.Finland page 1 2 73.Saudi Arabia page 1

27.Åland page 1

74.Serbia page 1
28.France page 1 2 75.Singapore page 1

French overseas territories

76.Sint Maarten 1
29.Martinique page 1 77.Slovakia page 1
30.Georgia page 1 78.Slovenia page 1
31.Germany page 1 2 79.Republic of South Africa page 1
32.Greece page 1 80.Spain page 1
33.Hungary page 1 81.Sudan page 1
34.Iceland page 1 82.Sweden page 1 2
35.India page 1 83.Switzerland page 1
36.Indonesia page 1 84.Thailand page 1
37.Iran page 1 85.Tunisia page 1

38.Iraq page 1

86.Turkey page 1
39.Ireland page 1 87.Ukraine page 1
40.Israel page 1 88.UAE page 1
41.Italy page 1 2 89.UK page 1 2 3
42.Japan page 1 90.USA page 1 2 3
43.Kazakhstan page 1 91.Uzbekistan page 1
44.Republic of Korea page 1 92.Vatican City State page 1
45.Kosovo page 1   International organizations page 1
46.Kuwait page 1